Fresh Thinking and Innovation… A Sure Bet for Success

I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Las Vegas and not because I’m a big Vegas fan. My teenage son, who was with me to assist in the live video streaming we were doing for PPAI, begged me to try the slots once. So I put a dollar in a slot which promptly, on cue, disappeared. I taught into the moment and explained to my son that this is why I don’t gamble.

With business endeavors I don’t gamble either. That is why I make the investment to attend The PPAI Expo. It is the trade event where professionals gather. The other regional shows are enjoyable, but there is something special about this event. I cherish the relationships I have developed through the years and the connections that are made at this one show. Some of the interactions have become lifetime friendships, even though we may only see people once a year at this event. Click here for a video interview with a friend who shares his personal story that illustrates the value of these relationships.

This year there seemed to be more hope for a better year that was lacking at the last two expos. I’m not sure what was driving this optimism, but the feeling was definitely more upbeat. Coming from California, I don’t see an easy way to turn our economy around and other states have similar economic challenges. But there was a positive buzz at the expo and perhaps it’s that PPAI is evolving into some new areas that people are excited about. In any event, most of the folks I network with thought it was a great show and for me personally, it was an awesome week.

The FreePromoTips Video Team succeeded in streaming four live education sessions, which was an industry first and it was very well received. We thank Fields Manufacturing for sponsoring the sessions and PPAI Professional Development for facilitating it all. Taking advantage of continuing education classes is a sure bet for success in an increasingly competitive business environment.

Reflecting on The PPAI Expo week, one thing that became evident to me is the need to be open to change. Through the years, I’ve talked to suppliers and distributors about how they market their companies and it seems many don’t see the need to embrace social media and new ways to share their products and services. Who will the “new” buyers be? How will they want to be reached? The methods of the past aren’t necessarily the same ways that will lead to success in the future.

My focus for 2011 through my industry resource program FreePromoTips and my distributor business is to focus on fresh thinking and innovation to effectively communicate with our marketplace. This is another sure bet for success.

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2 Thoughts to “Fresh Thinking and Innovation… A Sure Bet for Success”

  1. Jeff, your “read” of the optomistic mood at EXPO seems right on as does your call for our industry to embrace change. I look forward to the fresh ideas you tend to present in with each new issue.
    By the way, with your big gambling investment, don’t expect the casino to pick you up at the airport in its “high rollers” limo next year.

  2. Jeff, your “read” of the optomistic mood at EXPO seems right on as does your call for our industry to embrace change. I look forward to the fresh ideas you tend to present in with each new issue.
    By the way, with your big gambling investment, don’t expect the casino to pick you up at the airport in its “high rollers” limo next year.

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